Articles by Max Dashu

real women, global vision

The female cultural record is far richer than textbooks or the media let us know. Let's get to the juicy stuff:
the creative, inspired, valiant women; and cultures that honor their female achievers, wisewomen, artists, leaders...

Women's Power Women have determined the course of events and the forms of culture. We originated, founded, governed, prophesied, built, invented, created great art, defended our peoples, fought for our rights...

Women's Power DVD Political, social, economic, technical, artistic, spiritual power... Study Guide for Women's Power

Restoring Women to Cultural Memory Video clip: introduction to the Women's Power DVD --plus more clips

:: New :: Sacra Vulva Statues of the numinous female, worldwide: icons of vitality, joy, and protective power...

Female Icons A world-wide pattern of reverence for ancestral mothers has gone largely unacknowledged ...

Mother-Right Societies What do egalitarian cultures look like and where in the world are they...

Priestesses, Power and Politics When hierarchies and dominance are at stake -- of men over women, rich over poor, conquerors over aboriginal peoples, or one religion over others-- spiritual leadership has political ramifications...

Woman Shaman Images, oral traditions, and historic accounts show women as invokers, diviners, seers, ecstatic dancers, shapeshifters, shamanic journeyers, healers, and messengers of the ancestors...

:: New:: Female Divinity in South America Creators, Serpents of the Lake, Mothers of Manioc and of Animals...

:: New:: Xi Wangmu, shamanic goddess of China Cosmic power, mystic initiator, healer, mistress of the dead ..


Images from the Archives North African rock art, Colombian gold, Spanish priestesses, Indus seals, Cretan goddess...


Racism, History and Lies Classic doctrines of white supremacy; the power of names, and of distorted images... we've heard all the warnings about barbarians at the gates, but who are the real barbarians?

Patriarchies "If a man carry off a maiden by force, let him pay 50 shillings to the owner, and afterwards buy his will of the owner." --82nd law of king Aethelbert, early medieval England. Excerpts from the presentation on structural male supremacy ...

Origins and uses of the veil It didn't start with the Arabs. Females in public space -- mobility, visibility, "decency"—and the parameters of choice and coercion...

Empires are doomed to fall as Rome went, so goes today's dominion. Down. Let's find ways to create profound change ...

Review of the movie Agora What did they get right about the life of Hypatía, and what was completely fabricated?


Thinking about the gender politics of culture is shifting. Indignant harangues against "matriarchy" give way to more substantive discussion of egalitarian mother-right societies. Nor can Goddess talk (anathema to theologians for two millennia) continue to be treated as heresy in academia. Less reductionism, more complexity...

Icons of the Matrix Signs of the sacred woman recur on a global scale: vulva signs, female figurines, ancestor megaliths, and ceremonial vessels in the form of women or female breasts. These recurring symbols reflect the spiritual concerns and ritual life of the people who created them...

Mother-Right Cultures What about gender-egalitarian cultures? Not the reverse of patriarchy, nor a utopian fantasy, but an entirely different paradigm, founded on mother-right and the life matrix.

Knocking Down Straw Dolls: A Critique of Cynthia Eller's The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory All the heated rhetoric avoids the real issue, which is the existence of cultures that did not enforce a patriarchal double standard or make females legal minors ruled by fathers, brothers, and husbands...

Review: Witches and Neighbors: The Social and Cultural Context of European Witchcraft Think of Portuguese inquisitors and French magistrates pressing accused women to tell of painful sex with the devil, of the size of his icy member. Recall the infamous “Ja” confessions, in which boilerplate diabolist questionnaires required mere assent from the tortured prisoners.


The Gnostic Goddess, Female Power, and the "Fallen Sophia. New pdf edition, plus essay on Khokhmah, Isis, and Sophia

African Queens and Warrior Women Swazi, Ashanti, Igbo, Lovedu; and Jamaica, Ohio, Brazil ...

What She Said, And Did Wider and wilder female horizons: seers, healers, warriors and resisters...

Respect and Responsibility Appropriation of indigenous cultural heritage: insult to injury. Better to find your own...

Liberators Women who fought for freedom, led insurrections, labor risings and defended their homelands....

Suppressed Histories? Overturning the stale gender, racial, colonial and literate biases ...

Re-evaluating History in Global Perspective Beyond the boring orthodox History there exist indigenous oral histories with a wealth of information about female leaders and heritages...

Reviews and Interviews

All Copyright 2000 Max Dashu

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